12 DePiero Drive
Suite 100
Montvale, NJ 07645
(201) 391-5090
Mon - Thu: 10 AM - 9 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Closed Sunday

Interested in joining a Book Club?
The Montvale Public Library currently has three monthly books clubs going on and we are going to start more!
Our Monday Afternoon Group meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 12:00pm in the library activity room. Click here for information and to see what they will be reading.
Our Monday Evening Group meets on the 1st Monday every month at 7:30pm in the library activity room. Patrons can register via the Library Calendar. Click here for more information and to see what they will be reading.
The Cookbook Supper Club meets on the 4th Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the library activity room. Click here to see what cookbook they will be discussing. Club participants can bring in samples of the recipes they have been inspired to create from each month's cookbook selection. This is truly unique book club! Please email Therese.Jones@montvale.bccls.org if you are interested in attending.
If you have a suggestion about a book club theme or if you'd like more information about any of these clubs, please contact Bombace@montvale.bccls.org
Purpose of Book Discussion Groups:
To promote the use of the library by providing a forum to discuss books.
To promote the use of the library by providing discussion materials such as reviews, biographical material, and critical essays about the authors and their works.
To promote the use of the library's collection through the sharing of books other than those which are the focus of the group.
To provide a social environment for library patrons to meet each other and form community ties.
To enrich patrons' reading experiences.
The library will:
Provide a meeting room.
Obtain free copies of selected books for members who possess a valid resident BCCLS library card. Members may choose to purchase their own copies.
Provide reviews, biographical material, and critical essays about the authors and their works.
Coordinate scheduling and book ordering.
Promote the group through press releases, posters, and a page on the library's website.
Membership is open to adults (18 years and older) who possess a valid resident BCCLS library card. Books will be ordered from other libraries in advance of each meeting and will be charged to each member's library card.
Adults that do not possess a valid resident BCCLS library card may join; however, these participants are responsible for obtaining copies of the books to be discussed.
Group rules:
Members will take turns leading discussions.
To participate fully in any discussion a member must have read the book.
Those who have not read the book may attend meetings but must refrain from comment.
It is expected that each member at some time will dislike a selected title or find some offense at its content. This is an adult group. Members may debate the merits of a specific work if they have read the book.
Titles will be chosen by the members. Determination is by simple majority. Members are encouraged to bring their own title suggestions to the attention of the group.
Titles must be available throughout BCCLS in sufficient quantity for consideration. Current bestsellers cannot be ordered from other libraries.