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2nd Grade
Recommended Reading List

Adler, David.  Young Cam Jansen and the Spotted Cat Mystery.  J-E ADL

When a cat appears in their classroom one rainy day, Cam and her friend Eric figure out where it came from.


Ahlberg, Allan.  The Children Who Smelled a Rat.  J AHL

Another adventuresome day in the Gatskill family starts when the baby rolls away in a shopping cart, the twins’ teacher acts strange, and a lost bird tries to hypnotize the cat.


Avi.  Poppy.               J AVI

Poppy the deer mouse urges her family to move next to a field of corn big enough to feed them forever.


Bailey, Linda.  Stanley’s Party.         J-E BAI

Stanley is a good dog, but when his people go out at night, he begins to wonder what it would be like to taste the forbidden pleasure of sitting on the couch, and when he tries it, one thing leads to another.


Baker, Betty.  The Pig War.   J-E BAK

It is hard to believe that a war could start because of a little pig.  But on a small island, a long time ago, one did.


Barber, Tiki.  Game Day.       J BAR

Brothers Tiki and Ronde Barber, two NFL superstars, tell their story and explain how loyalty, determination, and the power of teamwork help all succeed.


Berenstain, Stan.  The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Watermelon Money.                     J-E BER

The bear detectives go to work when someone steals the money Farmer Ben has made from selling his delicious and popular watermelons.


Chaconas, Dori.  Cork & Fuzz:  Short and Tall.       J-E CHA

The friendship between Cork, a muskrat, and Fuzz, a possum, is in trouble when Cork decides that, since he is older, he has to be taller than Fuzz.


Creech, Sharon.  A Fine, Fine School.                J-E CRE

When a principal loves his school so much that he wants the children to attend classes every day of the year, it’s up to his students to show him free time is a good thing, too.


Cronin, Doreen.  Diary of a Spider.                    J-E CRO

A spider gives his view of the world and discovers that there is a lot to learn about being a spider, including spinning webs, avoiding vacuum cleaners, and never falling asleep in a shoe.


Davies, Nicola.  Surprising Sharks.            J 597.3 DAV

Sharks come in all shapes and sizes.  Many species from the smallest to the scariest are described in this informative picture book.


DiCamillo, Kate.  Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride.  J DIC

Mr. Watson’s usual Saturday drive in his Cadillac with his favorite pig, Mercy, turns into an adventure when an unexpected passenger shows up in the back seat, and Mercy finds herself behind the wheel.


Dubowski, Cathy East.  Pirate School.              J-E DUB

At pirate school, Pete learns to act like a pirate and fight it out, but when he and a classmate find the treasure at the same time, pirate rules don’t seem to work.


Ehrlich, Amy.  Zack and Emmie.                        J-E EHR

The new girl in Zack and Leo’s class affects the boys’ friendship.


Flack, Marjorie.  Ask Mr. Bear.                          J-E FLA

A boy named Danny wants to know what he should give his mother for her birthday.


Gibbons, Gail.  The Vegetables We Eat.          J 635 GIB

A clear, informative introduction to eight groups of vegetables, categorized by the part of the plant that is eaten.

Harper, Charise Mericle.  There Was a Bold Lady Who Wanted a Star.  J-E HAR

In this variation on the traditional rhyme, a feisty woman tries roller skates, a bicycle, and even a rocket to reach a star.


Hillert, Margaret.  Run to the Rainbow.              J-E HIL

Three children, searching for the rainbow, see many colorful objects.


Hoff, Syd.  Walpole.  J-E HOF

Although Walpole is the biggest walrus in the herd, he would rather play with the baby walruses than be a leader.


Hurd, Edith T.  Johnny Lion’s Rubber Boots.  J-E HUR

Johnny Lion has an exciting adventure when he receives new boots on a rainy day.


Keats, Ezra Jack.  Peter’s Chair.                 J-E KEA

When Peter’s parents paint his chair for the new baby, he decided to run away.


Kennedy, Senator Edward M.  My Senator and Me:  A Dog’s-Eye View of Washington, D.C.


Narrated by Splash, the Portuguese water dog, this is a clear and concise introduction to the American political process.


Kessler, Leonard.  Last One In is a Rotten Egg.      J-E KES

Freddy never has any fun.  While his friends dive and race, he is left alone in the shallow water.


Knudsen, Michelle.  Library Lion.           J-E KNU

A lion starts visiting the local library but runs into trouble as he tries both to obey the rules and help his librarian friend.


Koeppel, Ruth.  The Time Pincher.          J-E KOE

To prove Cindy does not know what she is talking about, Jimmy uses his special “time pinch” machine to bring Thomas Edison to the present.


Krauss, Robert.  Here Comes Tardy Toad.  J-E KRA

All the animal students try to help tardy toad break his habit, but their attempts have a disastrous result.


Landry, Leo.  Sea Surprise.   J LAN

Kaate, a mermaid, and her best friend Dave, a shark, have planned a special surprise for their best friend Ed, who has lost his zap.  A funny story with silly illustrations makes this a delightful tale of friendship.


Laurence, Dan.  Captain and Matey Set Sail.   J-E LAU

Despite their frequent disagreements, two pirates share many adventures.


Leedy, Loreen.  The Great Graph Contest.  J-E LEE MATH

Gonk and Chester, two amphibian friends, hold a contest to see who can make better graphs.


Lewis, Thomas.  Call for Mr. Sniff.                   J-E LEW

Mr. Sniff will tickle new readers and mystery solvers alike with all he detects on his way to the scene of the “crime.”


Lobel, Arnold.  Days With Frog and Toad.       J-E LOB

Frog and Toad spend their days together, but find sometimes it’s nice to be alone.


Mayer, Mercer.  Just Grandpa and Me.            J-E MAY

Little Critter buys a new suit with his grandpa.


McDonald, Megan.  Stink and the World’s Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers              J MCD

A class visit to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on the sneakers he plans to enter in the World’s Worst Super-Stinky Sneaker contest.


McKissack, Patricia.  Precious and the Boo Hag. J MCK

Home alone with a stomach ache while the family works in the fields, a young girl faces up to the horrifying Boo Hag that her brother warned her about.


McKissack, Patricia.  The Honest-to-Goodness Truth.        J MCK

After promising never to lie, Libby learns that it’s not always necessary to blurt out the whole truth.


Miller, Sara Swan.  Three Stories You Can Read to Your Teddy Bear.  J MIL

If your teddy bear seems quiet and just sits on your bed staring, maybe he is bored and needs to be entertained.  This book has perfect stories for teddy bears to hear.


Ó Flatharta, Antoine.   Hurry and the Monarch.  J 595.789 OFL

On her way from Canada, a monarch butterfly lands on Hurry the tortoise in Wichita Falls, Texas.  Through their friendship, Hurry witnesses the life cycle of a monarch.


Parish, Peggy.  Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping.  J-E PAR

As always, Amelia Bedelia follows exactly the instructions given to her on a camping trip, including pitching a tent and rowing boats.


Polacco, Patricia.  John Philip Duck.                  J-E POL

Set in the Depression, a young boy from Memphis, who works at the Peabody Hotel, trains his pet duck to do tricks and performances set to the music of John Philip Sousa.


Polacco, Patricia.  Thank You, Mr. Falker.           J POL

At first, Trisha loves school, but her difficulty learning to read makes her feel dumb, until, in the fifth grade, a new teacher helps her understand and overcome her problems.


Quackenbush, Robert M.  Detective Mole and the Circus Mystery.   J-E QUA

When Melba the Amazing Tattooed Cow disappears from the circus on her wedding day, Detective Mole is called to solve the mystery.


Recorvits, Helen.  My Name is Yoon.                 J-E REC

Disliking her name as written in English, Korean-born Yoon, or “shining wisdom,” refers to herself as “cat,” “bird,” and “cupcake” as a way to feel more comfortable in her new school and new country.


Reynolds, Peter.  The Dot.                       J-E REY

“Just make a mark and see where it takes you.”  This sage advice, offered by her teacher, sets the young heroine on a journey of self-expression, artistic experimentation, and success.


Schorter, Roni.  The Boy Who Loved Words.   J-E SCH

Selig loves and collects words in this charming story of a boy who finds his life’s purpose through his passion for words.


Sharmat, Marjorie.  Nate the Great and the Monster Mess.                                                                      J SHA

Nate and his dog, Sludge, are determined to find the recipe for his mother’s cookies.


Silverman, Erica.  Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Partners.                                                               J-E SIL

Cocoa the horse herds the cows with Cowgirl Kate, helps her practice her roping skills, and wishes he could wear boots instead of horseshoes.


Sis, Peter.  Train of States.                J 973.02 SIS

An imaginative look at the fifty states using circus trains to display the information.


Swope, Sam.  Gotta Go!  Gotta Go!                   J-E SWO

Although she doesn’t know how or why, a small creepy-crawly bug is certain that she must make her way to Mexico.


Smothers, Ethel Footman.  Hard-Times Jar.        J SMO

Emma, the daughter of poor migrant workers, longs to own a real book.  When she turns eight and must attend school for the first time, she is amazed to discover a whole library in her classroom.


Van Leeuwen, Jean.  Tales of Oliver Pig.          J-E VAN

Meet Oliver Pig, his little sister, Amanda, and of course Father and Mother Pig.


Whatley, Bruce.  Wait!  No Paint!        J-E WHA

Full of surprises, interaction between the illustrator and the characters, and hilarious wordplay, this quirky retelling of “The Three Little Pigs” encourages readers to look at this favorite story in a whole new way.


Yolen, Jane.  Commander Toad and the Space Pirates.    J-E YOL

When Commander Salamander and his band of pirates capture the “Star Warts” spaceship, Commander Toad is forced to hop the plank.


Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner.  Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers?       J 567.91 ZOE

This book discusses the discovery and analysis of Archaeopteryx, a feathered dinosaur, which may have been an ancestor of modern birds.


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