12 DePiero Drive
Suite 100
Montvale, NJ 07645
(201) 391-5090
Mon - Thu: 10 AM - 9 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Closed Sunday
Summer 2021
Recorded Storytimes
Here are some links to recorded poem/books readings, cooking lessons, etc.
we recorded during the months of COVID-19 Crisis.
Storytime Guidelines
1. A child's age group is based upon the child's age at the registration date.
2. A child may attend ONLY the session for which s/he has been registered. (I.e., if a child has been registered for the Tuesday morning 2-year-olds' group, the child may attend ONLY on Tuesday mornings and may not attend the Thursday morning session.)
3. Refreshments are sometimes served during story hour. If a child has any food allergies or if a parent does not want her/his child to have snacks, the parent must inform the Youth Services Coordinator at the time of registration. Parents/caregivers are asked not to bring food unless they bring enough for all of the children.
4. Children attending the 0 to 23 months' session and those attending the 2-year-olds' sessions must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Parents/caregivers may share in the story hour fun by singing along, marching, etc., as the children do so. If parents/caregivers choose not to participate, we ask that they sit and listen quietly.
5. Parents/caregivers of children in the 3- and 4-5-year-olds' sessions are asked not to stay in the story hour room during story hour. This is a great way for children to practice learning and playing with other children without a parent/caregiver before they begin school. Please let the Youth Services Coordinator know if you have any concerns regarding this.
6. Parents/caregivers are asked to arrive early for each session so that they may take their children to the bathroom before the story hour session begins and so that their children learn to feel at home in the Library.
7. Special friends in the appropriate age group are welcome to story hour, but the Youth Services Coordinator must be notified before the session so that there will be ample craft supplies for all children.
9. Story hour registration is always IN PERSON ONLY. A family member or the child's caregiver, etc. may come and register for a parent should the parent be unavailable on the registration date. They must have a valid BCCLS library card with them to register.
10. Story hour is divided into three eight-week sessions and one 4-week sessions per year. Subjects presented during the year include the circus, clothing, colors, rhymes, numbers, feelings, food, alphabetics, geometrics, growth, health, holidays, insects, hibernation, kinds of animals, manners, occupations, pet care, safety, seasons, self-esteem, senses, shadows, sounds, and weather. Choice of titles and subject presented are based on the judgment of the Youth Services Coordinator. Changes or substitutions may occur at any time, based on the children's interest and willingness to participate. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to suggest specific titles and subject areas.
If anyone has any questions, concerns, comments,
or suggestions on the rules and guideline of story hour,
they should contact Ms. Giulia.
The purpose of storytime is to provide a safe and enjoyable
learning environment for your children.
If anyone prevents or threatens the calm, peaceful, and friendly environment of the library or story hour, they will be asked to leave.